Dec 1, How-to Articles. When a user logs onto the computer for the first time not via the network to access shared folders or printers , Windows creates a user profile. Sep 23, How-to Articles. UThis tutorial for new users details where to add and remove Windows 10 programs, the quickest way to get to this Control Panel component, and more information on how to properly uninstall Windows 10 programs and applications from your computer. In fact, when compared Jun 25, How-to Articles.
It is logical that most people will always use graphic windows and a mouse to complete work on the computer, this is correct since it is simpler and faster, but there are a number of cases when you, as an advanced user or a system administrator, are simply obliged to Action1 is a cloud-based IT solution for remote monitoring and management, patching, and remote support. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Submit Comment. Every organization - small, large, MSP — gets endpoints free, forever.
Subscribe any time to cover beyond February 7, Y After the attempt to delete, a message about the results will be displayed. In case of successful deletion, the message will look like this: Method execution successful. Step 3: See All Managed Computers Action1 will automatically find all domain computers and show them in the list of managed endpoints. Step 4: Select Programs to Uninstall Navigate to Installed Apps to see the entire list of programs installed on all computers on your entire network, filter the list by program name and then select the apps you want to uninstall:.
Step 6: Select Computers Select the individual computers or groups or computers from which you want to remove the apps and click Next Step:. Step 7: Run Now or Schedule You can then start the uninstallation immediately or set it to ran later, such as overnight, to avoid any disruption to your users. Consider Using Action1 to Uninstall Software Remotely if: You need to perform an action on multiple computers simultaneously.
Caption : Microsoft Silverlight. When I have the three pieces of information the IdentifyingNumber , the Name , and the Version , it is time to create the key. This is where quite a bit of experimentation could be required. I have to use the back tick grave character to escape inside quotation marks.
I have to escape the quotation mark and the opening curly bracket for the IdentifyingNumber property. I also have to escape the closing curly bracket and the closing quotation mark.
I then have to escape the quotation marks that surround Microsoft Silverlight, in addition to the quotation marks for the Version property.
There are also two quotation marks at the end of the ClassKey. Here is the key I derived for Microsoft Silverlight on my computer. This is a single line command. A space between Microsoft and Silverlight exists, but other than that, there are no spaces.
The reason for all the escaping in the ClassKey , is that WMI expects the quotation marks and the curly brackets in the key itself. In fact, using the [WMI] type accelerator is very easy. Here is the command. The command is [WMI], the class name, and the key. In the command that follows, notice that there is a backslash that precedes the word root. The command that follows illustrates this.
As shown in the following image, the Get-WmiObject cmdlet, using the filter to find Microsoft Silverlight, takes over five seconds on my laptop. Using the [WMI] type accelerator takes less than one-half of a second. This is more than 10 times faster. By the way, there was not much difference between using the filter to look for Microsoft Silverlight or using the Where-Object.
In the following output, I use the Measure-Object cmdlet to determine the performance of using the Where-Object the? Days : 0. Hours : 0. Minutes : 0. Seconds : 5. But the first thing that happens after initiating the task is that you are prompted with a confirmation dialog of some kind. The problem is that if your attempt to remotely install or remove the application requires any user intervention, such as clicking OK to confirm removal, then the process will never complete because you will not be able to remotely click OK to a hidden dialog on a target computer.
Your process will instead just appear to hang indefinitely. Last week a user asked how to use BatchPatch to remotely remove FeedReader 3. However, neither command was able to perform the remote software removal.